telephone: n.电话(机)。 a dial telephone 自动电话。 a public telephone 公用电话。 a telephone booth [box] (公用)电话亭。 a telephone directory [book] 电话用户号码簿。 a telephone operator 话务员。 a telephone receiver (电话)听筒。 a tel
Code of engineering for local wire telephone communication system in harbor 港口地区有线电话通信系统工程设计规范
The internetphone cost much less than the wired telephone especially when you take the international long distance call 网际网路电话的费用比有线电话少的多,尤其当你打国际长途时。
Digital subscriber line ( dsl ) - technology using copper - wire telephone networks to provide high - speed internet connections through a dsl modem 数字用户专线-使用铜线电话网通过dsl调制解调器提供高速因特网连结的技术。
Modem operating at data signalling rates of up to 33600 bit s for use on the general switched telephone network and on leased point - to - point 2 - wire telephone - type circuits 公用电话交换网和点对点二线专线电路上使用的数据信号速率高达33600 bit s的调制解调器